Oof size massive: literally can’t buy on iOS!

I literally want to buy this

Now product search is sad

OK search is back to life at least

In landscape it’s even worse

The product detail page is god awful. Once i finish the feed screen that makes it easier to actual get to this page, i work on this.

You are not the only one frustrated by the lack of scrolling.

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This isnt done yet but I tried to incorporate a lot of feedback from you and other users into the redesigned product detail page.

Still super mailable so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Oh this looks promising! Will wait to see it IRL

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Maybe add to cart should be above the fold

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Oh shoot just realized it’s a video. Looks good

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Fascinating turn of events: just noticed that Amazon add to cart is significantly below the fold on many or most products

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I have a good swe friend in amzn retail and he said this as well. He didnt know exactly the rational as the decision was probs made a long time ago but my guess is to free up screen real estate.

Lol that’s terrifyingly unscientific

But I guess Amazon knows what they’re doing

I bet they’ve done loads of testing, he just wasnt involved lol

Done! Published on Google play and submitted to apple!

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