Video and product being separate entities in search results is kind of whack

See fish painting

The hilarious part was when I first clicked on the fish painting video I was back to the classic problem with not being able to buy the product from the video I was like “this can’t be real”

This is like the DMV trying to sell a painting

Sorry that was excessive I’m just very fired up

It shouldn’t be real but it is. But not forever!

lmao at the dmv comment, you’re 100% right. Also wtf is that search ranking, gere is ranked ABOVE the product? will have to look at index weights

Lol cool. And search weighting is non trivial. Definitely something to put solid effort into, and more importantly capture exactly what people do in each search situation. Give up and type something else? How far did they scroll (what did they see and was therefore irrelevant) before giving up? What did they click and back out of? What did they click and not return to the search (correct result?)

I record every search that a user makes thats very simple. Maybe augment that record with interaction data.